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Barrow Hanley Global Share

Barrow Hanley Global Share

Investment Type
Investment Product
Investment Type & Product
Investment Type
Investment Product

Pricing & Performance

Fund Commencement: May 1995

Unit Pricing

As at
Entry 3.994
Exit 3.985
View Price History


Half Yearly
Cents per Unit
Reinvestment Price
View Distribution History


As at


As at
Growth (%) Distribution (%) Total (%)
1 month 2.81% -- 2.81%
3 month 5.67% 0.80% 6.47%
6 month 9.95% 0.83% 10.78%
1 year 19.21% 2.32% 21.53%
3 year 10.04% 1.73% 11.78%
5 year 10.60% 1.38% 11.98%
10 year 9.67% 1.30% 10.98%

Investment Approach

The investment manager strives to achieve the above objectives by adopting a value oriented, bottom-up investment process focused on in-depth fundamental research to identify companies that trade below their intrinsic value for reasons that they can identify, believe are temporary and have a clearly identified path to achieving fair value. The investment manager aims to select the most attractive securities to construct a well-diversified, high active share portfolio that provides asymmetrical returns by participating in up markets while protecting in down markets. The portfolio will exhibit a clear value bias and seek characteristics such as: - price/earnings ratios below the market - price/book ratios below the market - enterprise value/free cash flow ratios below the market - dividend yields above the market The fund will primarily invest in companies incorporated in developed markets and may hold up to 20% of the portfolio in companies incorporated in emerging markets. The portfolio has no direct tobacco stock exposure. The currency exposure in the fund is unhedged.

Details & Fees

Investment Objective Aims to provide investors with long-term capital growth through investment in quality global shares and outperform the MSCI World Net Total Return Index (AUD) (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
Minimum Suggested Timeframe 7 years or longer
Fund Manager Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC
Asset Class International Shares
Minimum Initial Investment $2,000
Minimum Initial Investment (with saving plan) $100 Monthly Minimum Nil
Minimum Additional Investment Nil
Cash 0 - 5%
International shares 95 - 100%
Half Yearly June 30, December 31
Entry 0
Exit 0
Management Cost (p.a.) 1.29%
Buy / Sell Spread 0.25% / Nil

How to Invest

Perpetual WeathFocus Investment Advantage New application
Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage Download application form

Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage is designed for investors who want broad investment choice and greater flexibility when managing a general investment portfolio. Applications to invest in Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage fund can be made through the Perpetual product application portal online, or via the post where completed application & documents should be sent to the address detailed below.


Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage

GPO Box 4171, Sydney NSW 2001


Before applying, review the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for WealthFocus Investment Advantage and related documents to ensure you understand how the Fund works and the risks involved.


Information on Customer Identification Requirements

Investment Forms, PDSs and Offer Documents

Find out more about Perpetual Investment Funds

Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage updates

Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage Investor Portal
Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage Additional investment application

Perpetual, WealthFocus, and Select investors can make additional investments to their fund through the myPerpetual application portal online, or via the post where completed application & documents should be sent to the address detailed below.


Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage

GPO Box 4171, Sydney NSW 2001


Before applying, review the current PDS and related documents. They may have changed since you first invested.


Information on Customer Identification Requirements

Investment Forms, PDSs and Offer Documents

Perpetual Wealthfocus investment funds updates

Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage Adviser application
Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage Download application form

Applications for Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage can be made via investor directed portfolio services. Financial advisers can make applications through the Perpetual application portal online, or via the post where completed application & documents should be sent to the address detailed below.


Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Advantage

GPO Box 4171, Sydney NSW 2001


Before applying, review the current PDS and related documents. They may have changed since you first invested.


Information on Customer Identification Requirements

Investment Forms, PDSs and Offer Documents

Perpetual Wealthfocus investment funds updates

Contact an institutional relationship manager or phone 1800 110 941. Contact

With one of Australia’s largest, most well-resourced and experienced investment teams, Perpetual offers institutional investors expertise across four major investment capabilities: Australian equities; global equities; cash, credit and fixed income; and multi asset strategies. These capabilities can be accessed via pooled investment funds or tailored mandates.

Pricing & Performance

Fund Commencement: June 1995

Unit Pricing

As at
Entry 6.077
Exit 6.062
View Price History


As at


As at
Growth (%) Total (%)
1 month 2.55% 2.55%
3 month 6.11% 6.11%
6 month 10.03% 10.03%
1 year 20.31% 20.31%
3 year 11.12% 11.12%
5 year 11.33% 11.33%
10 year 10.44% 10.44%

Investment Approach

The investment manager strives to achieve the above objectives by adopting a value oriented, bottom-up investment process focused on in-depth fundamental research to identify companies that trade below their intrinsic value for reasons that they can identify, believe are temporary and have a clearly identified path to achieving fair value. The investment manager aims to select the most attractive securities to construct a well-diversified, high active share portfolio that provides asymmetrical returns by participating in up markets while protecting in down markets. The portfolio will exhibit a clear value bias and seek characteristics such as: - price/earnings ratios below the market - price/book ratios below the market - enterprise value/free cash flow ratios below the market - dividend yields above the market The fund will primarily invest in companies incorporated in developed markets and may hold up to 20% of the portfolio in companies incorporated in emerging markets. The portfolio has no direct tobacco stock exposure. The currency exposure in the fund is unhedged.

Details & Fees

Investment Objective Aims to provide investors with long-term capital growth through investment in quality global shares and outperform the MSCI World Net Total Return Index (AUD) (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods
Minimum Suggested Timeframe 7 years or longer
Fund Manager Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC
Asset Class International Shares
Minimum Initial Investment $3,000
Minimum Initial Investment (with saving plan) $1,500 Monthly Minimum Nil
Minimum Additional Investment Nil
Cash 0 - 5%
Global shares 95 - 100%
Entry 0
Exit 0
Management Cost (p.a.) 1.29%
Buy / Sell Spread 0.25% / Nil

How to Invest

Perptual WealthFocus Super Plan application Application portal
Perpetual WealthFocus Super Plan application form Download application

The Perpetual WealthFocus Super Plan is a simple to use personal superannuation product, designed for both employees and the self-employed. It is likely that the WealthFocus Super Plan will be most suitable for new investors. Before applying for a Perpetual WealthFocus Super Plan, it's important to review the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and related documents to ensure you understand how the plan works and the risks involved.


Applications to invest in Perpetual WealthFocus Super Plan can be made through the Perpetual application portal online, or via the post where completed application & documents should be sent to this address:


Perpetual WealthFocus Super Plan

GPO Box 4171, Sydney NSW 2001


Information on Customer Identification Requirements

Superannuation Forms, PDSs and Offer Documents

Find out more about Perpetual WealthFocus platform.

Perpetual Wealthfocus super plan updates

Pricing & Performance

Fund Commencement: May 2002

Unit Pricing

As at
Entry 3.225
Exit 3.217
View Price History


As at


As at
Growth (%) Total (%)
1 month 2.79% 2.79%
3 month 6.45% 6.45%
6 month 10.76% 10.76%
1 year 21.56% 21.56%
3 year 11.75% 11.75%
5 year 12.01% 12.01%
10 year 11.05% 11.05%

Investment Approach

The investment manager strives to achieve the above objectives by adopting a value oriented, bottom-up investment process focused on in-depth fundamental research to identify companies that trade below their intrinsic value for reasons that they can identify, believe are temporary and have a clearly identified path to achieving fair value. The investment manager aims to select the most attractive securities to construct a well-diversified, high active share portfolio that provides asymmetrical returns by participating in up markets while protecting in down markets. The portfolio will exhibit a clear value bias and seek characteristics such as: - price/earnings ratios below the market - price/book ratios below the market - enterprise value/free cash flow ratios below the market - dividend yields above the market The fund will primarily invest in companies incorporated in developed markets and may hold up to 20% of the portfolio in companies incorporated in emerging markets. The portfolio has no direct tobacco stock exposure. The currency exposure in the fund is unhedged.

Details & Fees

Investment Objective Aims to provide investors with long-term capital growth through investment in quality global shares and outperform the MSCI World Net Total Return Index (AUD) (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
Minimum Suggested Timeframe 7 years or longer
Fund Manager Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC
Asset Class International Shares
Minimum Initial Investment $20,000
Minimum Initial Investment (with saving plan) Nil Monthly Minimum Nil
Minimum Additional Investment Nil
Cash 0 - 5%
Global shares 95 - 100%
Entry 0
Exit 0
Management Cost (p.a.) 1.31%
Buy / Sell Spread 0.25% / Nil

How to Invest

Perpetual WealthFocus Account based Pension Plan New Application
Perpetual WealthFocus Account Based Pension Plan Download application form

The Perpetual WealthFocus Pension Plan is designed for retirees who need a regular income. It offers an account based pension or transition to retirement pension. Before applying for a Perpetual WealthFocus Account Based Pension Plan, it's important to review the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and related documents to ensure you understand how the plan works and the risks involved.

It is likely that the WealthFocus Pension Plan will be most suitable for new investors

Applications to invest in Perpetual Account Based Pension Plan can be made through the Perpetual application portal online, or via the post where completed application & documents should be sent to this address:

Perpetual WealthFocus Account Based Pension Plan

GPO Box 4171, Sydney NSW 2001

Information on Customer Identification Requirements

Retirement Forms, PDSs and Offer Documents

Perpetual WealthFocus pension plan updates

Pricing & Performance

Fund Commencement: April 1986

Unit Pricing

As at
Entry 3.225
Exit 3.217
View Price History


As at


As at
Growth (%) Total (%)
1 month 1.86% 1.86%
3 month 2.26% 2.26%
6 month 1.87% 1.87%
1 year 13.16% 13.16%
3 year 12.02% 12.02%
5 year 12.61% 12.61%
10 year 10.39% 10.39%

Investment Approach

The investment manager strives to achieve the above objectives by adopting a value-oriented, bottom-up investment process focused on in-depth fundamental research to identify companies that trade below their intrinsic value for reasons that they can identify, believe are temporary and have a clearly identified path to achieving fair value. The investment manager aims to select the most attractive securities to construct a well-diversified, high active share portfolio that provides asymmetrical returns by participating in up markets while protecting in down markets. The portfolio will exhibit a clear value bias and seek characteristics such as: - price/earnings ratios below the market - price/book ratios below the market - enterprise value/free cash flow ratios below the market - dividend yields above the market. The fund will primarily invest in companies incorporated in developed markets and may hold up to 20% of the portfolio in companies incorporated in emerging markets. The portfolio has no direct tobacco stock exposure. The currency exposure in the fund is unhedged.

Details & Fees

Investment Objective Aims to provide long-term capital growth through investment in quality global shares and outperform the MSCI World Net Total Return Index (AUD) (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
Minimum Suggested Timeframe 7 years or longer
Fund Manager Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC
Asset Class International shares
Minimum Initial Investment $20,000
Minimum Initial Investment (with saving plan) Nil Monthly Minimum Nil
Minimum Additional Investment Nil
Cash 0 - 5%
Global shares 95 - 100%
Entry Nil
Exit Nil
Management Cost (p.a.) 1.96%%
Buy / Sell Spread 0.3% / Nil

Pricing & Performance

Fund Commencement: April 1986

Unit Pricing

As at
Entry 2.901
Exit 2.894
View Price History


Half Yearly
Cents per Unit
Reinvestment Price
View Distribution History


As at


As at
Growth (%) Distribution (%) Total (%)
1 month 2.81% -- 2.81%
3 month 5.67% 0.80% 6.47%
6 month 9.95% 0.83% 10.78%
1 year 19.22% 2.29% 21.51%
3 year 10.14% 1.64% 11.78%
5 year 10.68% 1.29% 11.97%
10 year 9.71% 1.26% 10.97%

Investment Approach

Barrow Hanley strives to achieve the Fund's investment objectives by adopting a value oriented, bottom-up investment process focused on in-depth fundamental research to identify companies that trade below their intrinsic value for reasons that they can identify, believe are temporary and have a clearly identified path to achieving fair value. Barrow Hanley aims to select the most attractive securities to construct a well-diversified, high active share portfolio that provides asymmetrical returns by participating in up markets while protecting in down markets. The portfolio will exhibit a clear value bias and seek characteristics such as: - price/earnings ratios below the market - price/book ratios below the market - enterprise value/free cash flow ratios below the market - dividend yields above the market The Fund will primarily invest in companies incorporated in developed markets and may hold up to 20% of the portfolio in companies incorporated in emerging markets.

Details & Fees

Investment Objective Aims to provide investors with long-term capital growth through investment in quality global shares and outperform the MSCI World Net Total Return Index (AUD) (before fees and taxes) over rolling three-year periods.
Minimum Suggested Timeframe 7 years or longer
Fund Manager Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC
Asset Class International Shares
Minimum Initial Investment $2,000
Minimum Initial Investment (with saving plan) $1,000 Monthly Minimum Nil
Minimum Additional Investment Nil
Cash 0 - 5%
International shares 95 - 100%
Half Yearly June 30, December 31
Entry 0
Exit 0
Management Cost (p.a.) 1.27%
Buy / Sell Spread 0.25% / Nil

How to Invest

Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Fund New Application
Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Funds Download application

Applications to invest in Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Funds can be made through the Perpetual application portal online, or via the post where completed application & documents should be sent to this address:


Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Funds

GPO Box 4171, Sydney NSW 2001


Before applying for a Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Fund, it's important to review the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), and related documents to ensure you understand how the plan works and the risks involved.


Information on Customer Identification Requirements

Investment Forms, PDSs and Offer Documents

Find out more about Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Funds

Perpetual Wealthfocus investment funds updates

Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Funds investor portal Login to myPerpetual
Perpetual Select Investment Funds additional investment Download form

Perpetual, WealthFocus, and Select investors can make additional investments to their fund through the myPerpetual investor portal online, or via the post where completed application & documents should be sent to the address detailed below.

Before applying, review the current PDS and related documents. They may have changed since you first invested.


Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Funds

GPO Box 4171, Sydney NSW 2001


Information on Customer Identification Requirements

Investment Forms, PDSs and Offer Documents

Perpetual WealthFocus investment funds continuous disclosure and important information updates

Find out more about Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Funds



Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Funds New application
Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Funds Additional application form

Applications for Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Funds can be made via investor directed portfolio services. Financial advisers can make applications through the Perpetual application portal online, or via the post where completed application & documents should be sent to this address:


Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Funds

GPO Box 4171, Sydney NSW 2001


Before applying for a Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Fund, it's important to review the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), and related documents to ensure you understand how the plan works and the risks involved.


Information on Customer Identification Requirements

Investment Forms, PDSs and Offer Documents

Find out more about Perpetual WealthFocus Investment Funds

Perpetual Wealthfocus investment funds continuous disclosures and important information updates

Perpetual Investment Management Limited ABN 18 000 866 535 AFSL 234426 and/or Perpetual Superannuation Limited ABN 84 008 416 831 AFSL 225246 are the issuers of the Funds. you should consider the relevant Fund product disclosure statement or other offer document before deciding whether to invest. The product disclosure statements and target market determinations for the Funds are available on this website.

Returns have been calculated using exit prices after taking into account all ongoing fees, and assuming reinvestment of distributions. No allowance has been made for entry fees, exit fees or where applicable taxation. Future returns may bear no relationship to the historical information displayed. The returns shown represent past returns only and are not indicative of future returns of a Fund. Returns on a Fund can be particularly volatile in the short term and in some periods may be negative.