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Investment Type
Investment Product
Investment Type & Product
Investment Type
Investment Product

Pricing & Performance

Fund Commencement: July 1994

Unit Pricing

As at
Entry 24.379
Exit 24.379
View Price History


As at


As at
Growth (%) Total (%)
1 month 0.37% 0.37%
3 month 1.12% 1.12%
6 month 2.26% 2.26%
1 year 4.51% 4.51%
3 year 3.32% 3.32%
5 year 2.01% 1.93%
10 year 1.30% 1.14%

Investment Approach

Perpetual combines investment monies and invests them in the money markets.

Details & Fees

Investment Objective Aims to: - provide members with capital stability through investments in deposits, money market and fixed income securities - match the performance of the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index (before fees and after tax) over rolling one-year periods.
Minimum Suggested Timeframe 2 years or less
Fund Manager Perpetual Investment Management Limited
Asset Class Fixed Income and Credit
Minimum Initial Investment $20,000
Minimum Initial Investment (with saving plan) Nil Monthly Minimum Nil
Minimum Additional Investment Nil
Cash 100%
Entry 0
Exit 0
Management Cost (p.a.) 0.11%
Buy / Sell Spread Nil / Nil
Management Notes Due to changes in ASIC Class Order [CO 14/1252], we have updated our disclosure in respect of the estimated management cost of the Fund. This amount includes estimated indirect costs which are paid by the Fund, and are not a direct cost to you. The management fee you pay to Perpetual has not changed.

How to Invest

Perpetual Select Account Based Pension Plan Download application form
Perpetual Select Account Based Pension Plan Additional investment form

The Perpetual Select Pension Plan is designed for retirees who need a regular income. It offers an account based pension or transition to retirement pension.


New applications to invest in Perpetual Select Account Based Pension Plan can be made via the post where completed application & documents should be sent to the address below. Before applying, please review the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and other offer documents and consider your investment option carefully.


To make an additional investment in your Perpetual Select Pension Plan, or to modify your fund, applications can be made via the post where the completed forms should be sent to the address below.


Perpetual Select Super Plan and Pension Plan

GPO Box 4171, Sydney NSW 2001


Information on Customer Identification Requirements

Retirement Forms, PDSs and Offer Documents

Find out more about Superannuation and retirement

Continuous disclosure and important updates for Perpetual Select Pension

Pricing & Performance

Fund Commencement: July 1992

Unit Pricing

As at
Entry 23.290
Exit 23.290
View Price History


As at


As at
Growth (%) Total (%)
1 month 0.37% 0.37%
3 month 1.08% 1.08%
6 month 2.14% 2.14%
1 year 3.89% 3.89%
3 year 1.62% 1.62%
5 year 1.11% 1.11%
10 year 0.75% 0.75%

Documents & Resources

Investment Approach

Perpetual combines investment monies and invests them in the money markets.

Details & Fees

Investment Objective Aims to: - provide members with capital stability through investments in deposits, money market and fixed income securities - match the performance of the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index (before fees and after tax) over rolling one-year periods.
Minimum Suggested Timeframe 2 years or longer
Fund Manager Perpetual Investment Management Limited
Asset Class Fixed income and credit
Minimum Initial Investment Nil
Minimum Initial Investment (with saving plan) Nil Monthly Minimum Nil
Minimum Additional Investment Nil
Cash 100%
Entry up to 4%
Exit N/A
Management Cost (p.a.) 1.09%%
Buy / Sell Spread Nil / Nil
Management Notes Due to changes in ASIC Class Order [CO 14/1252], we have updated our disclosure in respect of the estimated management cost of the Fund. This amount includes estimated indirect costs which are paid by the Fund, and are not a direct cost to you. The management fee you pay to Perpetual has not changed.

Pricing & Performance

Fund Commencement: June 1992

Unit Pricing

As at
Entry 21.027
Exit 21.027
View Price History


As at


As at
Growth (%) Total (%)
1 month 0.32% 0.32%
3 month 0.96% 0.96%
6 month 1.93% 1.93%
1 year 3.84% 3.84%
3 year 2.83% 2.82%
5 year 1.70% 1.62%
10 year 1.07% 0.91%

Investment Approach

Perpetual combines investment monies and invests them in the money markets.

Details & Fees

Investment Objective Aims to: - provide members with capital stability through investments in deposits, money market and fixed income securities - match the performance of the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index (before fees and after tax) over rolling one-year periods.
Minimum Suggested Timeframe 2 years or less
Fund Manager Perpetual Investment Management Limited
Asset Class Fixed Income and Credit
Minimum Initial Investment $3,000
Minimum Initial Investment (with saving plan) $1,500 Monthly Minimum Nil
Minimum Additional Investment Nil
Cash 100%
Entry 0
Exit 0
Management Cost (p.a.) 0.11%
Buy / Sell Spread Nil / Nil
Management Notes Due to changes in ASIC Class Order [CO 14/1252], we have updated our disclosure in respect of the estimated management cost of the Fund. This amount includes estimated indirect costs which are paid by the Fund, and are not a direct cost to you. The management fee you pay to Perpetual has not changed.

How to Invest

Perpetual Select Super Plan application Download application form
Perpetual Select Super Plan additional investment Download application form

Perpetual Select Super Plan is designed for employees, employers and the self-employed who want a super fund that is easy to use.


New applications to invest in Perpetual Select Super Plan can be made via the post where completed application & documents should be sent to the address below. Before applying, please review the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and other offer documents and consider your investment option carefully.


To make an additional investment in your Perpetual Select Pension Plan, or to modify your fund, applications can be made via the post where the completed forms should be sent to the address below.


Perpetual Select Super Plan and Pension Plan

GPO Box 4171, Sydney NSW 2001


Information on Customer Identification Requirements

Retirement Forms, PDSs and Offer Documents

Find out more about Superannuation and retirement

Perpetual select pension updates

Perpetual Investment Management Limited ABN 18 000 866 535 AFSL 234426 and/or Perpetual Superannuation Limited ABN 84 008 416 831 AFSL 225246 are the issuers of the Funds. you should consider the relevant Fund product disclosure statement or other offer document before deciding whether to invest. The product disclosure statements and target market determinations for the Funds are available on this website.

Returns have been calculated using exit prices after taking into account all ongoing fees, and assuming reinvestment of distributions. No allowance has been made for entry fees, exit fees or where applicable taxation. Future returns may bear no relationship to the historical information displayed. The returns shown represent past returns only and are not indicative of future returns of a Fund. Returns on a Fund can be particularly volatile in the short term and in some periods may be negative.