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Privacy policy


Perpetual is committed to protecting your privacy and safeguarding your personal information.

This privacy policy explains how Perpetual collects, manages and protects personal information, including:

  1. What personal information does Perpetual collect? 
  2. How does Perpetual collect and store personal information?
  3. How does Perpetual use your personal information?
  4. How is personal information disclosed to others?
  5. How may you access or correct your personal information?
  6. How you can complain if you have concerns about how Perpetual has managed your personal information?
  7. If you have not received a response to your complaint or are unhappy with the outcome?

Perpetual has practices in place to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988. These principles govern how organisations handle personal information.


This Policy applies to Perpetual Limited (ABN 86 000 431 827) and its related bodies corporate located in Australia (Perpetual).  This Policy does not apply to Perpetual (Asia) Limited, which has its own policy.

Policy Principles